[Download Link] PES 2019 Comp Kit Server Season 2019/2020 by Andres Kits

PES 2019 Comp Kit Server Season 2019/2020 yesteryear Andres Kits
New kitpack of the upcoming 2019/2020 flavor for PES 2019 PC. This kitpack is made yesteryear Andres Kits as well as incorporate but about novel kits 2019/2020 for European Clubs, South America Clubs as well as National Teams. You request Sider v5 yesteryear Juce earlier using this kitpack.
Installation :
1. Install Sider v5 yesteryear Juce.
2. Copy CompKitServer.lua to modules folder PES 2019
C:\Program Files(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019\modules
3. Open sider.ini amongst notepad as well as Add lua.module = "CompKitServer.lua" at the halt of sider.ini
4. Also add together cpk.root = ".\content\comp_kit-server" & cpk.root = ".\AndresKits" within sider.ini, but house it over cpk.root = ".\ball-root" as well as thus it should last similar this.
cpk.root = ".\AndresKits"
cpk.root = ".\content\comp_kit-server"
cpk.root = ".\ball-root"
5. Save your sider.ini
6. Extract the file amongst WinRAR as well as re-create comp_kit-server folder to
C:\Program Files(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019\content\
7. Extract Andreskits amongst WinRAR as well as re-create folder AndresKits to
C:\Program Files(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019\
8. Save it as well as done ! Don't forget to piece of employment sider earlier playing the game !